I’m working on materials for my presentation at Mission & Ministry next week…
While I’m at it, I thought I’d share this resource with you.
Have you ever sat down to formulate a plan for promoting an upcoming event and thought…
“Where should I begin?”
Then… you get overwhelmed by all of your options, procrastinate, and end up throwing $30 at Facebook 6 days out from the event?
This timeline & checklist was written to infuse a little more intention and strategy into that process.
You’ll see a lot on here. Not all of it applies to every event, of course. But—it’s my hope that you print it out, get out your red pen, pick out a few new ideas, cross some stuff off, and be left with a timely, thorough promotional plan.
Create my own copy of the timeline/checklist document
Questions about anything on the doc? Just reply!