A while back I posted in the WELS Intersections Facebook group offering to critique/improve a logo. I had a lot of interest, so THANK YOU if you submitted yours. If this newsletter gets a positive response, I hope to do more in the coming months. Our subject today is the logo for St. Mark Ministries in De […]
It was an absolute pleasure to present at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary this week. Here’s the description shared with attendees: The Church Marketing Playbook: Throwing Wide Open Your Digital Front Doors Within the next 4 to 40 months, you can confidently say you’ll be carving out Saturday mornings for church workdays, receiving emails titled, “Re: New […]
I’m working on materials for my presentation at Mission & Ministry next week…While I’m at it, I thought I’d share this resource with you. Have you ever sat down to formulate a plan for promoting an upcoming event and thought… “Where should I begin?” Then… you get overwhelmed by all of your options, procrastinate, and […]
Don’t go digital for digital’s sake. Go digital for the humans on the other side of the screen. Here are 10 ways that the internet intersects with traditional Word of Mouth interactions. 1) Write stuff that makes sense to share publicly. If someone reposts your graphic on their Instagram story, they, in essence, just sent that sentiment […]