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A while back I posted in the WELS Intersections Facebook group offering to critique/improve a logo. I had a lot of interest, so THANK YOU if you submitted yours. If this newsletter gets a positive response, I hope to do more in the coming months. Our subject today is the logo for St. Mark Ministries in De […]

Graphic Design, Logo Design

February 14, 2025

Logo Makeover: St. Mark Ministries | Green Bay & De Pere

Don’t go digital for digital’s sake. Go digital for the humans on the other side of the screen. Here are 10 ways that the internet intersects with traditional Word of Mouth interactions. 1) Write stuff that makes sense to share publicly. If someone reposts your graphic on their Instagram story, they, in essence, just sent that sentiment […]


January 24, 2025

Word of Mouth still wins: 10 ways digital tools can bolster personal outreach

Do you struggle when you sit down to design a social media post?The blank page can be intimidating. You might know what you want to say, but you don’t know how to make it look. Take some time to do a little work up-front and move forward knowing you’ll always have a design to sit […]

Social Media

December 20, 2024

How to create your own set of social media templates

If you’ve been on the fence for a while, these questions might help you decide whether or not to pursue a new logo project. Ask yourself… 1) How is your organization unique? Point out 3 ways that unique-ness is reflected in your logo. If your designer didn’t have multiple conversations with you about what makes […]

Logo Design

March 31, 2023

If you can’t answer these 6 questions, you need a new logo…